Software Engineer and Computer Science graduate

I am a Software Engineer with a particular interest in backend development, microservices, working with data, and the cloud. I enjoy tennis, rock climbing, and of course, all things technology!

I have two years of professional experience in the software industry with Amadeus and Citrix, a first-class honours Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science from the University of York, and countless years of experience on personal projects.

Racket Reel

Racket Reel

iOS and watchOS application to log points, serves, and other tennis match events while playing. The match logs are used to generate a cut video of the match with a scoreboard overlay.

Swift, SwiftUI, WatchKit, AVFoundation, CoreData, Firebase

What's In?

What's In?

'What's In?' allows you to quickly find out what ingredients are commonly included in a recipe so you don't have to trawl through recipe websites for ingredient ideas and suggestions.

React, Python, SQL, AWS Lambda, Docker

Personal Website

Personal Website

This is the website you are looking at right now. It allows me to introduce myself, share my projects, and redirect to other places you can find me on the internet.

React, Gatsby, Tailwind, GraphQL, Netlify

Copyright © 2022, Tom Elvidge. All rights reserved.